The true risk of COVID in our community and what that means for You, Your Family, and The World.

They say death is the enemy, but that’s only the start of the problem, and the situation is constantly changing.

Don Ford
44 min readOct 14, 2021

Everyone says to “Follow the Science.”

But how many folks actually read the studies and how many folks just wait for it to be summed up for them?

We all know the actual answer to that is not good.

I’m writing this to get into the nitty-gritty of the science itself… I will give commentary… but separate from … you know what? You’ll see.

Let’s just do it live…

This article is meant to be a “fluid document.”

That means adjustments and corrections will be made as experts and researchers speak up to help me keep this information correct.

If that makes you afraid to share it… too bad, do it anyway.

You may want to check up on it for updates, I’ll link future parts at the bottom… and most importantly?

Find something that you can prove is wrong?
Please, speak up in the comments…

But I assure you, in the interim, the point will not be lost.

My priority is relating COVID in a context that anyone can understand because how we communicate this is critical to achieving our safety.

And most of how we as a society understand COVID is wrong.

It needs to be made simpler, in terms everyone can comprehend.

And there’s nothing simple about these subjects.

I’ll cover the most important things first… but this is constantly changing… and then work my way around to building a greater understanding of the risk created by COVID and how well our response is managing that risk.
(Spoilers… It’s not great.)

Including a breakdown of our current national strategy to combat it.

I’m a strategist before all things and if you’re reading this, you likely agree that our strategy for COVID might need… some adjusting.

It currently looks something like this…

Developing a new strategy, or even deciding if one is needed, always starts in the same place…

An agreed-upon understanding of what we are even doing.

We have to start from where we are, which means understanding how we got here… which includes the mistakes that were made.

And everyone is “losing their minds” trying to figure out what we should do next and we can’t do that if we can’t agree on our mistakes.

We need to do this while embracing the correct mitigation measures.

That means, we have to understand the subjects involved and some are very complicated but we can’t let that detract us from finding real solutions.

Effective strategies after all are based on risk by priority.

We cannot create an effective strategy if we do not first identify risks and prioritize them by levels of danger… I’ll do my best to make those clear.

Most importantly… I will let the scientists and doctors do the talking.

Part 1 alone will be enough to take action to protect yourself.

And I will also address a number of Conspiracy theories…

Most of them are total BS, a few are based on outdated science.
(If you add one to the comments, I will debunk it in later parts.)

While other, vastly more important, issues have gone unnoticed.

Part 2, will get more specific on how we protect kids and ourselves in communal settings…. air quality, ventilation, masks.

For right now, here is a chart created by an Australian group…

I’d like to point out, it’s all those things AND masks… to mitigate COVID.

Part 2 only needs to exist because of the poor policy decisions we’ve collectively made and continue to make that put us all at risk.

A sick child means a sick family and that means sick coworkers and then that means their kids are sick… and the cycle continues endlessly.

We have to do EVERYTHING we can to mitigate and stop transmission.

Here is a simple design for a box filter.

Even a basic air filter is very effective at filtering COVID.

There is a lot more of this in Part 2.

I’ll have it out as fast as possible, but, first, it must be said…

All of these mitigation efforts work because…


COVID is still not recognized as Airborne in many parts of the world and we’re really going to hammer how this works into folks' brains before COVID gets their brains completely.

(Yes, COVID gets in your brain and everyone is downplaying the significance.)
(And yeah, when I said “losing their minds” I didn’t mean psychologically.)

One more time… COVID IS AIRBORNE!

Should we still wear masks all the time?

Even in our memes?

Robert Redford agrees… oh, did you not know that’s Robert Redford?

Yes, overwhelmingly… YES!

And surgical masks are good enough for memes, but not for real life.


I promise… other studies have better thumbnails than this one…

Really great… very simple test… very controlled environment…

So, when I say upgrade your masks it should be something like this…

If you want to get a good concept of how much virus you exhale when you breathe… Well, there’s a study for that.

So, that’s 1400 RNA copies a minute… that’s enough to infect 14 people a minute… AND THAT WAS PRE-DELTA.

Honestly, it’s probably enough to infect a lot more than I think.

So, assume viral shedding is at least twice that now.

Oh, and it keeps going… we really underestimate how gross we actually are.

I don’t know about you, but that seems like a lot.

Were going to start doing things a little differently.

If you’ve already noticed, I have a slightly different way of approaching data management and communication… I’m going to use headlines from existing articles as component pieces to larger arguments…

If something is really specific, I’ll cut a screenshot.

You’re welcome to follow every source, but you shouldn’t need to.

We are going to approach subjects that WILL make you uncomfortable.

You will doubt my credentials and you will doubt my references.

But Denial is just the second stage of managing grief.

So, that’s good, at least that means you are on your way.

Here is a handy chart to help keep track of your emotional progress.

You may want to take a reference photo to refer quickly to later.

If you at any point catch yourself glaring at any particular part of this and begin to get overwhelmed with doubt… that’s the grief process starting.

(Well, technically, again, that’s phase 2 and just like COVID, the Grief process can start without you realizing it…)

It is only through that final stage of “Acceptance” where we “finally find the way forward” and we must… We must do what is necessary.

And that means getting out of our ‘comfort zone’ to beat this invader.

The priority right now is staying within the realm of “technically accurate.

Also, known as the “best” kind of accurate.

And while some of this will make you feel uncomfortable, I will do my best to provide enough sources to a subject that makes a subject understood as real.

For example…

(Also I love ellipsis because this moment calls for dramatic pauses, prepare.)
(I’m sure you’ve noticed.)

We must not relent in our fight against it…

This invader has brought unfathomable challenges, we are doing our best to combat them in a meaningful way to protect ourselves and each other.

Quickly though, I need to say “Thank you.”

I want to take a moment to thank everyone who got vaccinated, talked to their friends about getting vaccinated, and tried to make their community safer.

And I especially want to thank anyone who stayed masked this whole time.

You did the right thing, and you should be proud of your efforts.

Masks are still the best way to stop transmission… and it’s time to upgrade.

You saw the chart, now here’s an article.

The other form of stopping transmission looks like this, I don’t suggest it.

And… oh, yeah, this is real.

There’s even a video if you follow the link at the bottom.

We need to agree on viable solutions before we are back here again.

And I would be a lot more open to an anti-vaxxer, or someone who appears as one if I were confident they were wearing high-quality masks all year.

If you, the reader, think you have encountered an anti-vaxxer but aren’t sure… just ask them what kind of mask they’ve been wearing.

There will be an increase in mask-wearing individuals who are unhappy that what makes the vaccine “effective” is vastly different than the public’s demands for effectiveness.

And while we will dive into that, the simple fact remains true…

If the anti-lockdown crowd and the anti-mask crowd were put in a Ven Diagram… they would be a circle.

But if they want softer lockdowns, which are inevitably coming, then mask-wearing is the only way to make it over faster.

High-Quality masks are still the most powerful tool we have for stopping transmission…

As long as it’s worn properly.

And you know who are really great at wearing masks?

The Japanese.

I’m going to be ready to brush up on my ‘nihon go’ after this because it’ll be the only safe place to live if we don’t get this together.

Hajememashite, watashi no nama wa Don desu… Dozo yoroshiko.
(still got it!)

That’s the power of upgrading masks in one graph.

And that’s not New Zealand's 100 cases… that’s 20,000 a day.

That’s a significant full-stop… that’s what coordination can accomplish.

So, don’t say it’s impossible to stop COVID.

They literally “Mount Fuji’d” it.

Now, I’m not saying there is a connection…
But I am saying we should definitely call turning around a COVID spike in a set amount of days compared to the rise…

“Pulling a Fuji.”

It really shouldn't surprise anyone that the country that has the masks the most tied into its culture is handling outbreaks, well… the best.

Not a single country has turned their cases around on a spike as well as Japan did… But why did their numbers spike so hard?

There is a simple answer.

Let’s just say they started their vaccination program in the middle of February… and their outbreaks started in August…

And they used mainly Pfizer shots…

That’s 5.5 months exactly… and no one warned them about its limits.
(we all get that’s a thing, right?)

Do you think Japan would have done things differently had they known? You’re damn right they would have.

It sure doesn’t look like anyone warned them.

And that my friends… is what we call a “problem.”

Because this didn't just happen to Japan.

More on this later.

Some might call their behavior “compliance”… I call it empathy.

When used properly together, masks and our new vaccines both become even more powerful lifesaving tools, and though I’m going to explain that our method of using the new RNA tech was not … the best…

None of that should detract from that now is THE BEST time to get the shot.

And if you are more than 5 months past your second shot… you need to be preparing to get a booster… or change your behavior.

Eligibility for boosters is pretty vague… So, most should be eligible.

CDC graphic released by the White House on Sept. 27, 2021

The CDC updated its website on October 25th…
(well after the first draft of this was released.)

And suddenly everything is in the context of “risk.”
(I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.)

But there you have it… The link is below if you want more information.

The booster’s work… The data doesn’t lie.

But the data not lying… means that you don’t always get “good” news.

They just don’t last as long as some would like.

This is nothing like the three shots that are required for Polio.

And that timetable is not limited to the immunocompromised, we have data from other countries showing its more widespread.

They did their third shots in July… so it's about three months.

When I say “I don’t think we used these properly”… this is what I mean.

But, if you are being forced into an environment around people, especially if you have to share air… do not let this detract from the safety net it creates.

We simply need to understand the full danger so we can assess our risk.

At the very least, getting vaccinated now protects you, mostly, while we figure out a new plan… that would be using them “effectively.”

This is better than nothing but is only needed because of our terrible policy.

And NOTHING here removes the need to wear a mask.

Here is the science on how the Pfizer booster works…

We will be talking more about this later and it is crucial to understand how problematic the timeline of events is in regards to preventing this is.

All of these affect the equation differently, each with its own set of variables… From your immune system’s capabilities, the vaccine's efficacy, and the virus’s ability to Mutate.

They all affect our risk differently.

That’s because of the law of conservation of energy.

All of those transfer energy in different ways… For example…

Your body creates those immune cells consequently your system has limits.

Or… the virus needs your energy to make more of itself…

That’s just it transferring energy from you into something for it.

All of these need to be taken into consideration when assessing risk.

If you are concerned about Moderna’s or J&J’s approval, it‘s coming.
(Upon update, these are now approved and you should get them.)

There are studies coming out saying that crossing RNA vaccines also creates a very strong Immune response. They are calling it “hybrid immunity.”

But that’s not quite the whole story there.

It’s important to note that in the future, you may not be considered “fully vaccinated” by US standards without a booster.

To be completely honest, it's an immaterial concept and is completely unquantified in any terms that creates safety or even mitigates risk.

You are “fully vaccinated” right now… but the immunity window is completely closed for the first round of vaccinations earlier this year…

We can say the words “fully vaccinated” as much as we want and at no point will saying it make anyone safer.

So, it’ll be interesting to see how this goes.

But the other thing that is interesting happening here is the attempt to rebrand “hybrid immunity” There is the old definition and a new one.

The difference is significant.

It doesn’t really matter which one we use moving forward, but it is extremely important to note the difference when it comes to the specifics of the strategy and the risk associated with our present situation.

I’ll explain in a moment.

The EMA, European Medicines Agency, just gave permission for boosters for children over 12 there…

Which is a huge step considering their numbers.

Their numbers are Bad.

How bad?

Well, you know how we consider the cases in the US bad…?

Those are cases per 100k so this is a ‘per capita’ example.

The strategy they are using for schools is simply horrifying, I’ll explain in great detail later in this part…

But what do you need to know right now?

They told students who were exposed to COVID that they didn’t have to Quarantine if they could pass a rapid test.


That’s an article about a few American schools adopting the UK system.

I’ll dig deep into the process, bad science involved, and how dangerous it is.

It should be said, those sick kids equate to sick parents, as I said earlier.

But let’s quickly check in on them and see how that’s going…

Then this happened. A full policy reversal.

So, let’s not act like anyone really knows what they are doing.

Let’s drop those numbers against everyone else.

And it’s true that this turned out to be lab failure with 40k tests and schools use rapid tests… Where do you think those people got sick?

Because they didn’t quarantine or stop kids from being exposed.

And let’s not act like kids aren’t the driving force of infections.

And keep in mind… getting them vaccinated does not stop this infection rate.

It only makes them asymptomatic…

So, the cases disappear but the long-term damage is still there, and the risk of sudden death from future mutations is still there.

So, this plan is a form of “eugenics” because the immunocompromised are at extreme risk and will likely die if this plan is implemented worldwide.

Not only that, this does not stop variants in any meaningful way.

Belgium is having similar data coming in which explains their numbers rising.

This study is brand new so they probably haven’t attempted to adapt.

On a side note, cases going up probably has something to do with lowering mask restrictions a few weeks ago as well.

But that study had some interesting data…

So, this if the plan requires a child showing symptoms…

That’s 4x more problematic than it is with adults, which is already exceptionally problematic…

By that measure, we're only catching a tiny fraction of the sick kids.

And then you also have to consider…

There is no clear timetable for when a COVID infection emerges.
You could pass a Rapid Test in the AM and be shedding virus by lunch.

Everyone is guessing and they are not using the best tools available.

There is also this startling data coming out of the UK.

In the graph above, we can see a direct increase across all age groups among those who were vaccinated first. That’s Vaccine Immunity waning.

As noted by Dr. Ku… the ‘immunity window’ is closing for the first wave of vaccinated…

160 days is what most studies say before the RNA vaccines are undetectable.

While that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s the end of the positive immune benefits, the created immune response does have a short half-life… And the vaccine alone does not create COVID antibodies or we wouldn’t need to discuss continuous boosters.

That means a major increase in risk.

They are mostly in the 40–70 age group who would most likely get their news from more “official sources.”

… the same telling them the vaccine makes them safe alone.

But it is especially spiking in the 40–49 bracket… coincidentally the age group most likely to be on Facebook saying how getting the vaccine will allow us all to return to normal life… (With this many dead, that’s not possible.)

Next, it will happen to the groups who got vaccinated after them…

And so and so on, even those who get vaccinated right now will have a short but lifesaving immunity window… Being strategic is a good move.

And not because the vaccine isn’t safe, it is well within the safe margins of any vaccine on our normal regiment. It’s just that no one has been forthcoming about its limitations… And the information out there is confusing.

If you still have an issue then you have an issue with what is considered a “Safe margin of death” related to a new medicine… Which we all should be talking about… All medicines are “safe” in the same way that immunity means you are “immune.” It’s more of a window than an absolute.

This is a real issue and should be discussed openly by the public.

Medicines being “Safe” means a certain amount of mortality in even the best situations and I could write whole books on that alone.

Plenty of people already have.

But first, remember this gem?

This wasn’t even the start of the misinformation, it was just particularly bad.

BTW, I can’t decide if this is the worst or best April Fool’s Prank Ever.

Yeah, that happened on April 1st.

Folks who digest our “Trusted” forms of media are getting the most mixed messages on what they should be doing, and that is increasing our risk.

If it increases their risk, then it increases everyone’s risk.

There are bad takes like these from CNBC, which has really not aged well.

That’s total rubbish to anyone who follows COVID closely…

But to folks who don’t understand science, sounds extremely promising.

And then this recently is very confusing about the risk of our situation.

When other publications portray that SAME interview differently.

Regardless if you agree with any of this specifically…

The confusion is leading to an increase in cases among a specific age group that is the most vulnerable to this type of misinformation.

They are also among the most vulnerable to die because many cannot or will not get their booster or are confused about the protection it offers.

And because they don’t understand their risk, they won’t modify their behavior… they won’t treat their symptoms… and that puts them at incredible risk…

Also, when the media is declaring it over every few days…

Is a booster even needed?… Yes… yes, it is.

But they might not think it is, and then not change their behavior.

We can see the direct effect of the media’s campaign to declare victory is causing an increase in cases… and is probably to explain for this…

The two-month COVID cycle is not a mystery…

The media declares it over, mask-wearing goes down, then cases go up…
It’s not magic but it is a lot of confusion.

For example, California has done exceptionally well but these articles don’t tell the full story.

They put it on Vaccines completely, and even though they did help to significantly cut our death and hospitalization rate… that’s true

And that’s amazing…

If nothing else to give our Healthcare workers a moment to breathe.
(Though it didn't really work out that way.)

They alone are not mitigating our risk enough and the simple truth is that we, I’m here in California, never really stopped wearing masks.

Even the homeless regularly wear masks here.

This confusion over which mitigation methods are effective only leads to more infections and more Long Haulers.

A new study has just come out that says…

Here is the full study…

Our families cannot afford this confusion because some, and maybe all, of the damage caused by COVID that creates Long Haulers…

May be permanent.

That does not mean their situation is hopeless and I know a lot of them are starting to feel that way. There are a number of treatments for a variety of things and the rest of us nonLong Haulers are going to have to do everything we can to increase their quality of life.

It’s our responsibility as a society to protect the most vulnerable.

It's clear that we need to talk about a number of extremely serious and complicated priorities.

Let’s start at the beginning.

The pregnant are especially at risk from COVID.

Vaccinating the pregnant is paramount in our fight.

No matter what I say about the RNA tech or how we used them…
The pregnant MUST get vaccinated.

COVID can get through the Placenta Blood Barrier and into the Placenta. That’s your baby’s house… Nobody wants COVID there.

It could damage your natural ability to make said “houses” in the future.

The potential damage is significant, we have no idea what ramifications might come from this long term.

“Neonates” means newborn baby.

What is intervillositis? So, glad you asked… You won’t be though.,recurrence%20rate%20in%20subsequent%20pregnancies

It causes miscarriages and can repeat in subsequent pregnancies.

I’m not certain COVID causes the same kind of recurring damage but we should assume it does because this is literally our whole species at risk.

Species… reproduction is kinda key to our whole “existing” thing.

And COVID is making our “existing” an issue.

We simply do now know if this damage will become a new form of Long-Hauler Syndrome that we won’t discover for years… or what to make of this.

We have to think about this as how it affects the whole… not just how it affects the individual… We, as a species, depend on our other members to be healthy AND happy for society to function… not just ourselves.

BTW, Microphages are basically your immune system fighting off invaders.
They also cause inflammation caused by a familiar molecule in our body…

“Cytokines” … were going to talk a bunch about those later.

Intervillositis was considered “rare” when that article was written in 2017.

COVID changed that… and Delta changed everything again.

And now it looks like we have two different AY variants of concern.
(Upon update… we now have a few AY variants of concern)
(AY update in the next release)

But one, in particular, is drawing a ton of attention.

The UK just released its report on AY4.2 which is running rampant in at least 33 countries… It’s not good… A few countries are saying it has high vaccine resistance, but I’m not sure how that coincides with waning immunity.

Both are carrying higher transmission risk than Delta and while there is testing showing that the vaccines are just as effective against them… and that can be true.

That does not mean you are any safer considering what “effective” means in this case.

Also, these tests often do not account for the difference in real-world transmission, you really have to look at how the data is gathered…

The increase in real-world transmission appears to be the primary difference between all of these variants.

A higher infection potential means higher viral load and this means a more likely chance of death…

Whether vaccinated or not…. Especially if not.

Saying these variants are “not more deadly” is a technicality that isn’t really accurate in the sense of how COVID kills.

COVID is more like a swarm than folks visualize.

Being vaccinated gives you a better shot, but if you get a high enough viral load it doesn’t matter and these variants make that possible.

What is Viral Load?

And even while carrying the name “Delta,” COVID has continued to become more infectious through any of its 40+ tracked variants.

Allowing these to roam freely and not properly stopping transmission has created space for these new subvariants to evolve…

And we don’t know what’s next.

But we have a pretty good idea.

Here is another way of looking at it.

So, that’s 50% more transmissible, the add on 40–60% more transmissible… that means … carry the one…

It’s really really bad.

AY is doing that again, in multiple parts of the world at once.

Everyone is talking about AY4.2 and we got A.30 gaining ground.

And at any point, they can all infect one cell and reassort together into some superbug that wipes us out… or worse, crossover with a virus that has a better understanding of our body.

Just another reason we have to stop transmission.

Still don’t believe me that you and your baby are at risk?

The study shows how COVID is still detectable in/on the Placenta even after the patient has passed a nasal COVID test…. not some rapid test failure.

And rapid tests fail… both directions. Lots on that later.
(Use two different tests from two different production lots if you can)

So, in this case, the baby either didn’t get infected or beat it, either way, the virus was still detectable in multiple places.

I could see the COVID antibodies passing to the baby without the baby getting infected too, but only when you are vaccinated. Which I will show you.

So, the risk is incredibly high for the unvaccinated and pregnant.

That means it is very likely that the pregnant will have a harder time fighting off the virus because of its ability to get into the placenta cells…

And not leave.

It’s like a bad houseguest but less What about Bob and more Hand that rocks the Cradle… And that works because we are basically inviting C19 inside.

And into our most sacred spaces…

What are Trophoblasts? Let’s just say… they matter, a lot.,differentiate%20from%20the%20fertilized%20egg.

Normally, a cell is eventually destroyed by COVID either by bursting it or by melting it into another cell… Yes, I said “melting”… but not in the uterus.

I should probably explain the “melting”… it’s not my term.

It happens during this cellular process… That’s a video you can watch on Twitter. If someone wants to make me a gif of it, I will upload it here.

It’s a startling process.

This is also part of the method it uses to reproduce.

Here is a gif of his video so you can see it in action.

This isn’t even the scariest video we have of this.

You can go to Twitter for a larger video of it.

It’s the equivalent of COVID “eating” a cell… but this person explains it as…

“Melting” … which I dunno, sounds kind of worse.

It’s probably smart to look at the Spike Protein as the first stage of digestion.

Viral Syncytia is a process other viruses use including HIV.

We really need to reframe our perception of how this invader operates and once you do, you will do anything to stop from getting infected…

It is not cool, or fun, or a good idea.

It’s literally using your cells to reproduce…

It enters your cells, uses them as a skin suit, uses your own cell’s mechanism to get your other cells to trust it, and then it melts into them like The Blob making one giant skin suit that it basically has sex in (they don’t actually have sex but you need the visual because they can combine RNA in a process called recombination… which the outcome of is very sex-like) until they can’t find a new cell to melt into and the cell bursts, leaving an untold amount of new, possibly mutated, virus to find new ACE2 receptors and repeat the process…
(Technically it's called “replication”, but with all the recombination going on… I think calling it “reproduction” should be acceptable.)

This is just one reason why stopping transmission is CRUCIAL.

When it says “infects” it doesn’t just touch it and the cell changes… it enters the cell and destroys it from the inside.

The severity of illness is determined by each virus’s ability to enter new cells and COVID can do it in half the process of influenza.

But it has a weakness…

This is a virus, like all viruses, that cannot exist for any lengthy amount of time without a host that it uses to replicate…

That means no host… and the virus simply cannot survive.

The other reason to not be a host to it?

Because it can easily overwhelm your immune system.

It’s the “Buffalo Bill” of viruses… I could make a number of “skin suit” Silence of the Lambs references if that wasn’t horrifying enough but I respect Anthony Hopkins too much to pull him into this negatively.

Regardless, the representation is accurate.

This is simply not a process we should allow to happen… at all.

It is not our friend, we cannot live with COVID.

And especially when it comes to our reproductive cells…

The cells don’t burst in the Uterus… which is very bad.
Bottom line, COVID can get into your Uterus cells and they can’t get out.

This generally happens because ACE2 receptors, the ones that COVID uses like a ‘doorknob’, are found in the Placenta as well and not just there.

The ACE2 receptors COVID uses like a doorknob are found all over …

…very important parts of your body.

COVID can cause a form of long hauler disease in ANY of those organs.

It does it by melting the cells to replicate.

Or another way to say it is…

“Making your cells into a giant skin suit for a COVID donkey show… except the Donkey is actually three COVID in a donkey suit.”
Whichever you prefer…

Here is another chart. It shows how similar COVID can be to an hACE2 so that it tricks your body.

But no mention of reproductive organs or epidermal.

I need everyone to understand that our collective understanding of the hACE2 and its receptor that COVID uses, is not agreed upon science… yet.

But we understand enough of its basic functions to discuss the risk here.

Let me show you a third, placenta-specific source…

But the horrors don’t stop there.

Make no mistake… your Baby can be born with COVID.

I’m actually not trying to shock you here, the reality is shocking enough.

This child survived, but who knows the changes it created or what the future holds? I hope they’re well, and the article says they’re thriving.

These are not patients or test samples, these are real people with lives.

However, there is a reason we only have a few stories to rely on…

The virus has progressed significantly.

This data is “pre-Delta”, a phrase you should familiarize yourself with.

Not only has the Virus’s progression made it more deadly to children…

This is the percentage of children's deaths 5–14 of total deaths.

If you look at that chart and are anything but shocked, you need a serious psychological examination for being a sociopath… this is not normal.

And when people say kids are not that affected by COVID.

… actually, read how totally stupid this next statement sounds.

… “might not be as severely affected”… might not… that’s current.

And from the freaking MAYO CLINIC! After almost 2 years of this.
This is the best they can offer.


If these are the folks we are depending on then we are so screwed.

REAL TALK! Children are not less affected by COVID…

Studies show that children even pass COVID more efficiently.

I showed you a brand new study from Belgium… but obviously, there is no way we have data from last year warning us of this.

Because if we did… surely, we wouldn’t ha…


Here are the cited studies…

Published July 20th, 2020… So, not very new…
(This thumbnail is awful, sorry.)

And July 29th, 2020 on this one…

They can even become long haulers too… even babies.

The fact that we are arguing over whether kids should get vaccinated for COVID is further than we should be in this discussion…

Because schools shouldn't be open at all.

Especially when I explain how we got here…
(BTW kids will need to be vaccinated, so, just slow down there)

But first, this terrible news…

According to Israel the risk there has been around 11%.

Other countries are starting to sound the alarm on Long COVID.

We are already way too late.

They say to assume it’s higher because kids are not the best at telling you their symptoms and again…

The data is already ancient by “COVID standards.”

Bits I wrote at the start of this, six weeks ago… feel like they were written last year by comparison to how fast things have shifted.

And things appear to be escalating even more quickly.

That baby needed an ECMO (Extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation) machine to stay alive, also known as a “heart-lung” machine.

It cleans your blood and puts new oxygen in it.

Good luck even finding one of those in America, but they will be to 2021 what the ventilator was to 2020… in constant shortage.

And don’t think this isn’t affecting Americans… it is.

And as the quality of care shrinks from full PICU’s, babies might not survive.

PICU’s getting overwhelmed is much worse than normal ICUs.

Not getting vaxxed is risking doubling our death rate for no particular reason.

And it’s possible that your lost child won’t be tracked at all. Please, get it.

The data is incomplete, but what we have is startling.

This is just Louisiana.

You’re welcome to do it knowing it WON’T END THE PANDEMIC ALONE.

But it will protect both of your lives.

Life is already cruel enough, please… at least by your fourth month for maximum efficacy. I am not a doctor but I can at least do basic math.

1 month between shots… 146 days peak immunity window.

4 month, first shot, 5th month, 2nd shot… 146-day window puts you through until 10.5 months which gives your baby a month and a half, or longer if you use Moderna, of peak immunity.

More on that 146 immunity window in a moment.
(yeah, you read that right, even shorter than the 160 days)

First, two more important questions need to be answered…

Yes, you still need to wear a mask even after vaccination.
But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get vaccinated as well.

And yes, the antibodies created do pass from Mother to Child.

If you think I’ve stepped too far out of my “strategic” lane by saying any of this.

This article agrees that it’s very strong when taken in your third trimester.

Also, vaccine-created antibodies pass in breastmilk, which is amazing.
This is hopeful news for a few reasons.

Based on all my reading on how the RNA vaccines work… it's best to look at them as ‘genetic immunity steroids’… I’ll present a more technical approach later and yes, steroids are used medicinally so don’t make this weird.

It boosts the production of a number of different parts of your immune system. These are all naturally occurring processes that are revved up or are “primed.” So, this is like speeding up your ability to challenge invaders.

COVID interrupts the natural process that triggers an immune response by tricking your interferons, which then don’t alarm your B cells.

B cells are already really slow and can take up to 4 days to react.

This is why attempting immunity via natural infection is very risky.

So, the vaccine supplements this to start the process.

And that passes in utero.

That’s not to say that there still isn’t incredible risk, there is incredible risk.

But the risk is from getting COVID at all… not from the shots themselves.

But before we move on…

There is one other thing that needs to be addressed…

The comments of someone’s Doctor warning her not to get vaccinated is actually based on a bit of science that is no longer relevant but is worth mentioning if nothing else to avoid further confusion.

We need to be able to effectively shut this argument down, but positively.

We all really need to focus our arguments from a helpful place instead of a frustrating place… this is probably pointless to bring up… but be nice?

When the vaccines first rolled out my Wife’s doctor told her to wait.

Why? Because the Pregnant were not involved in the initial testing.

And… there were issues with people’s menstrual cycles being thrown off post-vaccine… and it wasn’t a small number, 30k in the UK alone.

If you are a person experiencing these symptoms, feel free to speak up.

It’s okay, you are not alone.

But adequate testing has been done, and my understanding is that all of them, or at least the “vast majority” returned to normal.

I’m not going to lie, I’m a little disappointed with myself for citing a doctor named “Dr. Male” about issues affecting primarily women.

But it’s what I had.

By not talking about it we allow conspiracy theorists to fill that void.

I assume there may be some outliers, but…

Don’t risk your life based on old data… and that is going to be true about a number of things we address throughout this larger piece.

The benefits of these vaccines greatly outweigh the risks.

And I will address the risk later in this article, which does exist, but life comes with risks and in this case, the gain outweighs the dangers.

People have even spoken about having a surge of energy after getting it

I assumed it was primarily an anecdotal psychological experience, and then my own Mother got the shot and she spoke of her positive experience.

Now it’s easy to misunderstand how this vaccine functions…

As many have.

The RNA vaccine doesn’t exactly pass through the blood barrier or show up in breast milk, it creates an increase in naturally occurring immune cells and those are detected in higher volumes. There is no spike protein in this process.

And a Spike protein isn’t really a “spike” either…

This is basically like short cutting the event that identifies an invader.

More on the S protein later. This protein is especially bad for your brain.
(It has the same makeup as what is believed to cause Alzheimer’s.)

But the good news?

This means the antibodies passed in breast milk are extremely beneficial.

This is interesting because if this is true a person who is lactating could freeze their milk that is high in antibodies and hypothetically use it to treat babies who have immune issues or infections because the immunity boost is not limited to helping you with COVID, your whole body is ready to fight.

And we need to do more right now, look no further than…

The pictures of kids on ventilators are simply heartbreaking.

The problem is though… there is no part of the current vaccination process where this was avoidable without changing our behavior.

It will be YEARS before we vaccinate ANYONE under five for C19.

And if the current vaccines do not stop parents from spreading COVID…

That means a simple fact is true…

Even while vaccinated there is an incredibly high risk from COVID.

Everyone still needs to be masking…

and this is why that’s happening.

This is kind of a big oversight…

This is a quote from one of the doctors who worked on the Moderna Vaccine…

The second one, at the bottom…


It doesn’t do a whole lot to protect your kids after that.

And it does even less to protect your brain.

I thought I was going to have a hard time getting folks to believe me.

Then after almost a month of writing, this article broke in the news on the 11th of October.

Finally, a semi-major US publication talking about COVID’s effect on your brain, and it's extremely bad… Vaccinated or not.

The vaccine does not protect your brain in any meaningful way.

This article focuses more on the Long Term effects on our brain rather than the vaccine's ability to protect it… but that’s why I’m writing this.

We have to wear masks more than ever before.

And I’m sure you’d love to read that article… if only you had an SF chronicle subscriptionbtw, this material should be free to the public.

This is peak ‘the information that will keep you safe is for the rich.’

Actually, there already has been substantial testing on all of this…
…it's not hidden behind a paywall.

Here is the meat, or soy-based protein, of it…

COVID uses your nose as its primary entry point, and when the vaccine was developed they had not studied mucus-based immunity. They were under the assumption that your upper respiratory tract was protected already.
(I’m going to explain all the details in my next release.)
(That’s not a cop-out, it's a lot, and this article is too long.)

This is exceptionally not correct.

Even worse, they did not even test it because the process was so rushed.

BTW did you know that your Mucus system is the single largest piece of your immune system… and the other major place it is in is your intestines?

The other place that COVID attacks first?
And they just missed it.

Then after they missed it, no one went back to fix it because everyone is just hoping this blows over and they don’t have to admit it happened.

I think that’s why they were openly praying that COVID would become less tenacious… But COVID just keeps getting worse.

I’m deadly serious, I will show you everything.

COVID is likely infecting our whole body through our mucosal system.

And we know basically nothing about it.

This is my basic finding… started as a hypothesis but now it is proven by using the data from folks much smarter than any of us.

COVID infections start in your nose, moves up your olfactory nerve, and directly into your brain. The brain and our immune system work slowly together and that gives the virus space and time to do untold damage.

And from there, it's literally traversing our entire body via our mucosal tracts.

And having brunch in the portions of our brain that control our autonomic functions… That’s likely why the vaccinated are dying so fast.

Hospitalizations are down, but deaths are up.

Our vaccine-only response, a vaccine that is designed to only protect our lower respiratory tract, when the virus is using our upper tract and entering our brains without resistance is a disaster of untold proportions.

I’ll explain in great detail how this was overlooked…

But we have a bit of an emergency on our hands here.

This article is from LAST YEAR…. So, it's not like this is new info.

See those red dots? That’s COVID under an electron microscope.

What’s worse is that it appears the White house plan was to use the vaccines to create what is known as the original “Hybrid Immunity.”

When you find out what it is, you will understand why they are trying to rebrand it… because this is such a monumental fuck up that a lot of powerful people want it to go away.

But COVID is not going away, not without a coordinated effort from all of us.

And we can’t do that without knowing the truth.

When we all agree on what is happening that becomes the now, and that is a gift we give each other which is why it is called the “present.”

The original meaning of “Hybrid Immunity” is simply “Natural Immunity” aided by these vaccines, that don’t protect our brains in any significant way from a virus that “melts” our cells.

Through all of Sept, there have been an overwhelming amount of articles trying to “muddy the water” on this particular issue… I’ve really watched it develop over the month of writing this piece.

Hybrid Immunity is not an official phrase, so they are trying to make it overly complicated then the public won’t get upset.

The two muddied talking points are…

  1. Hybrid Immunity is when you mix vaccines…
    This should be called “crossover immunity.”
  2. Hybrid Immunity is when you get vaccinated AFTER you get infected.
    Which probably should still be part of the recovery regiment.

But really…

  1. The real Hybrid Immunity was getting infected AFTER being vaccinated.

And we can prove it based on the White house’s timeline, their relationship with Pfizer, and the chemical effect the vaccine has on our bodies.

The strategy was simple…

They wrote this plan for Alpha… Get enough people vaccinated, everyone takes off their mask, and then boom… minor infection and a lasting antibody response for COVID specifically… but they wrote that before we knew the damage it did to our brains, and before Delta became more transmissible.

And they didn’t change course.

Even right now they are pushing this agenda in Australia where they just started their vaccination window.

That means that all of this is happening at the direction of Pfizer…

And their “Hybrid Immunity” campaign has already started.

This is precisely the same plan that they are trying to scrub out of the history books in America…

Remember this?

There is no technical difference between “hybrid immunity” and “natural immunity” other than the vaccine made your symptoms less dramatic but not the damage to your brain… or many other parts of your body.

Some might say this is actually the most significant damage it does.

And still, this won’t work because you cannot gain natural immunity to COVID for longer than a few months…

While it ravages your Immune System and makes it harder to fight the next infection… and attacks our reproductive organs making it harder for us to continue … reproducing… yes, even the fun parts.

Plus, this is likely one of the MAJOR causes of Long-Hauler Syndrome…

The main symptom is “Brain Fog.”

Why do you get Fog in a video game? Because there isn't enough MEMORY.

COVID literally melts your Brain while it eats it.

And it doesn’t stop there.

Getting vaccinated will save your life, but it won’t protect you alone.

This is one of two reasons we have to mask, the other being general transmission…

But protecting your brain should be a higher priority.

And as the ‘immunity window’ closes your risk also increases.

Keep in mind, this happens separately of possible variants that might mutate to have a better vaccine escape capability…. A few exist already.

But masks fail, so the vaccine is like a failsafe we badly need for the pregnant… And even though it won’t protect your brain…

It WILL protect your baby in utero.

And just for an extra measure…

There is new data that just came out… A study of the entire country of Scotland for vaccine efficacy.

Before you get excited, this does not test anything other than death and hospitalization… risk of Long-Hauler is still the same.

Though this study does not approach that concept at all.

but this is a GIANT STUDY… and overwhelmingly makes a few things clear.

The vaccinated are safer from death than the unvaccinated… much.

And the vaccine itself is safe… there were no deaths in the Moderna group, and 236 deaths in the others… that’s .007% of the whole country.

This was peak immunity… so they will protect you… enough.

Now, I don’t know how well they considered behavior, which is still the greatest driving force… But either way, the vaccines are VERY effective at preventing death and hospitalization if you are in your immunity window.

That’s enough to protect your pregnancy.

But that’s not really the underlying point here…

The real underlying point here is …

Whether the vaccine is safe or effective is not the issue.

Wearing Masks will always be the long-term solution.

From that same study…

So, this means unvaccinated children are certainly not safe from us unless we are regularly masking, and then even while vaccinated that immunity window is short and the risk of becoming a long hauler is still the same.

It’s not just about not dying, it’s not just about stopping COVID …

It’s about protecting ourselves and each other, and not just our lives… but our quality of life too.

Our masks are a helmet for our breathing and right now we are crashing over and over again with no protection.

And we’ve been doing it for months…

… Just letting an intracellular parasite make lunch out of ourselves and our next generation… What’s wrong with us?

This is not okay.

In 2020, they asked us to sacrifice our past, via our grandparents, to the economy.

In 2021, they are asking us to sacrifice our future, via our children.

I wonder what they will ask us to sacrifice to the economy in 2022?

You can follow Don @ TheWordOfDon on Twitter

If you like the article give it a share, if you hate the article leave a comment on why I’m wrong. I have a lot more on the way… a lot more.

*I will be editing this document as the situation changes.*



Don Ford

Progressive Strategist, Filmmaker, & Grassroot Organizer. Awesome is an attitude. Lover of food, comics, and, and, and ... suspense.