GET REAL EPIC & we can make the Progressive Agenda a reality.

Don Ford
19 min readJan 18, 2021

It’s the name of the strategy to recover from COVID

Greetings and Welcome.

This is Phase 4.1 of the “Future Worth Fighting For” strategy.

It was developed to be the Grassroots ‘inside-outside’ strategy that has Bernie and the Squad as the ‘Inside’ and we the ‘grassroots’ are on the outside.

We build power for them to legislate our demands into law by uniting our communities in support of actions that improve the quality of life of those that need it most…

It’s all about something I call the ‘Direct-Action Triangle.’

Direct action is a process that involves organizing within a network of…
& Government

The Community works together to support each other and itself.
The Activists step up to create answers and make demands for the community.
And Politicians legislate those demands into laws.

This creates your ‘Direct Action Network’ of folks who work toward like-minded goals…

When you break up that power you essentially gerrymander yourself.
And we can’t have that.

If you have been here since Phase 3 then you are already aware of the part of the strategy known as “GET REAL EPIC”… based around C19 recovery.

For the new folks, it means…


GET” is a series of measures and alterations to the Progressive Agenda to adapt to the immediate needs the COVID crisis has created.


REAL” is a place to stick every piece of retroactive legislation, from the $2k a month to the start of the pandemic, assisting with burials, anything …

The bill co-sponsored by Markey, Sanders, and Vice President-Elect Harris for $2k a month retroactively is the ‘nexus point’ between Relief and Stimulus.

Without it, we will never achieve consumer confidence and the longer they wait to initiate it, the longer our recovery takes, and the greater risk to America of continuing to damage its place on the world stage.

We should also be fighting for retroactive enhanced UI, as well, for the missing months since it ran out.

But I digress…


EPIC” is a plan to pass “emergency expansion of Medicare” and secure a temporary “single-payer option”. It will quickly gain popularity… likely resulting in permanent adoption. M4A is only a simple step away.

Because American needs to GET REAL EPIC to stop the damage & recover from the Pandemic… I know it's a bit of a dad joke but it’s memorable.

Bernie has already picked it up… Biden will ultimately choose the name.

Except for the word “insurance”, it means exactly what it says.

But until Biden confirms a name, IF we get there, then there is nothing to fight over. So, let’s not get hung up on that just yet…

In Phase 3, I explain in great detail how it would work so that it would have no connection to the Insurance market here →

But we're not here to talk about our past…

We’re here to talk about our future.

Phase 4 has been about incorporating the impeachment process into our strategy to get greater relief for America, convict Donald Trump, put the US on a path toward recovery, and initiate the Progressive Agenda.

But after talking to Progressives on Twitter for the last few weeks, I can’t help but notice that as much as Neoliberals are unironically trying to use Austerity to resolve the crisis and risk prolonging it… I can’t help but notice that Progressives are not taking the Pandemic seriously either.

The effect it is having on our communities is devastating and clearly, even those we depend on to pull us out of this are still offering piecemeal plans which won’t solve but a few problems facing most Americans.

Some of these ‘solutions’ actually risk creating new problems.

We are now on the edge of an entirely different health crisis as bodies begin to pile up beyond what we can legally cremate… Folks need to understand the scoop of this crisis. It’s LA right now, but soon it will be the entire country.

We have to be willing to adjust our strategy to resolve the Pandemic first and foremost… that means when politicians like Bernie and Nina start talking about “Emergency Single Payer” and possibly using the word ‘insurance’ to make it sound like a Biden Proposal… this is what it takes to save lives.

The moment is already happening and if YOU ALL show your support for the program then we will get it done. Even if we can get the vote down to 50 votes through reconciliation we still have several Neoliberals to sneak this past.

And the simple fact is that a temporary program will be started with a broader stroke than a permanent one which will most likely be nitpicked to death.

It’s right in front of us.

But even with the Neoliberals, there are two ‘relief’ proposals in motion for different purposes… Yes, neither goes far enough, but this is just the 1st negotiation & don’t worry, this isn’t some ‘love letter’ to the establishment.

No matter what happens, the proposed UI extension only goes until Sept… and the Pandemic shows no signs of abatement. We will be here again, there will be more bills, and this relief process is only getting started.

At least now, we have a more specific timeline… and we need to fill in the space in-between these events with more legislation.

Be prepared to rinse and repeat to the next step.

Before we start weighing the Pros and Cons of Biden’s Proposal while discussing where we apply pressure, the COVID relief bills are a little different than normal legislation.

They are ‘omnibus’ style bills, so they can have tons of stuff in them.

They can also use Budget Reconciliation to get down to 50 votes in the Senate, which Bernie just sent out an email saying he is willing to do,

Exactly what it looks like.

and this…

An excerpt from Bernie’s email this afternoon

In addition to that, even though Biden has made his proposal, it still has to go through the House and Senate where it will see changes… whether it is an improvement or it makes it worse is entirely up to what we do right now.

We can get the full $2k and $600 UI … IF we don’t immediately surrender.

But most importantly… these bills WILL PASS.

So, this is the time to reach for the sky… we will land on the moon.

Let start at the important place…

Biden’s 1st pass at his relief bill is hot garbage.

Though there are some good things about it.

Let’s start at the top…

Nothing can happen until Biden takes office so anyone telling you they aren't doing enough already is trying to trick you, it is functionally impossible to have done anything yet…

But that also means none of this is set in stone either.

Never forget, that all rules are made up… just figure out how to change it.

So, when discussing if we can ‘push Biden left’ we have to discuss what he plans to do on his first day in office…

Sure there is a ton of hyperbole but let’s look at what he’s saying.

Executive Orders Biden will sign on his first day in office…

•Rejoin the Paris climate accord
•End the travel ban on Muslim countries
•Halt evictions and student loan payments during the COVID pandemic
•Issue a mask mandate on all federal property

He also has ‘indicated’ that he will close down the Keystone XL pipeline, which was honestly already heading that direction but he could have easily breathed new life into the project if that was what he wanted…

This has also been promised since actually releasing this article originally…

In addition to that, there is talk of him alleviating the stress and burden of millions of Undocumented folks who should have the same rights as any other citizen. They often pay more taxes and see fewer social services for their larger contribution.

When we talk about ‘abolish ICE’ as a concept… that was because under Trump ICE was misused in an abusive and sadistic manner. ICE needed to be ‘abolished’ because the way it was used was inhumane.

You may have heard some frustration over AOC removing it from her website… Well, even though the problem is not necessarily solved, we have moved in a direction where the resources can be redistributed and be managed in a way that prevents the agency from operating in that manner.

Though I am not in direct personal communication with AOC, I can tell you precisely what her intention was because I’m the person who told her to pick up ICE as an issue… and it was because of the above-mentioned reasons.

I have two pictures with AOC, this is the better one. Photo Credit: Lily Starling

The solution starts with stopping deportations and fixing our broken immigration process, not policy points on websites.

I did the process with my wife… Do you think the relief bill is hot garbage?

… hah.

Biden is proposing a quick solution, right in vein with an Emergency Medicare Access Program, then we can sort out the new process later but we can end the human suffering immediately.

So, removing it from your Platform seems almost necessary.

Biden has since released more of this plan…

It isn’t perfect, but it does fix a lot of things right away.

Yes, we should be talking about the kids in cages immediately.
Yes, we cannot go to sleep on handling ICE as a program.
Yes, Obama deported a ton of folks…

But right now… and I know folks don’t want to say it,

THIS IS Biden moving left.

Say what you want about the party, but Biden is going to be President.

And we might as well do everything we can to make the most of the situation. If we take our hands off the wheel on this one then he will get the lobbyists back in his ear and before you know it these promises disappear.

We have to maintain accountability so this isn’t just lip service.

We have to make sure that he actually does the things he promises.

Which to be honest we're already having trust issues…

The $2000 check situation is such a debacle.

Before I even start on the broken promises and tricky language that moved us to a $1400 relief payment instead of the full $2000, I can’t help but point out that folks should be a lot madder about this…

We need to both be very upset about this and stay within the realm of tangible goals still… While there is a lot of traction on many things including raising the minimum wage to $15… even though it needs to go higher in many places… There is still a lot of room to be upset about this.

Because this is a Relief package for the damage the Virus has done…

Though it feels more like it's actually to remedy the damage the inaction of our government has created, technically Biden isn’t actually offering us anything.

He’s just finishing off Trump’s last relief bill, this is not a unique process.

The only unique relief Biden is offering is a $100 increase in enhanced UI.

And still below the $600 that was moderately successful last time.

Normally I’m the one telling folks that they are ‘overreacting’…

But in this case, it's the opposite.

Folks are mad about the $600 but really he’s offering you nothing.

He’s already seeing pushback from Senators who want to see reelection.

So, just to be clear, Biden is not giving you any new relief.

He is following through with Trump’s relief when he asked for the full $2k.

There is still time to change this IF we act now.

There is no question that Biden’s plan is out of touch.

Though technically it is an improvement, that doesn’t mean that he deserves a pat on the back… it means the activists, who work so hard and keep pushing despite the suffering that so many are experiencing right now, deserve one.

Probably several.

Americans need direct assistance, where our currency is distributed directly to the people in a bottom-up method. We can’t rely on Tax Credits at the end of the year to pay for ‘childcare’… we need to pay folks to stay home right now!

Trickle-down economics in any format does not meet the needs of the EMERGENCY CRISIS that is rocking our nation.

This is not some ploy to trick America into doing something that will hurt them, the Progressive Agenda is quite literally the only thing that’s going to save lives, get America back on its feet again, and rebuild our place on the world stage.

Because the Progressive Agenda is not an actual thing… it is a fluid concept of awareness in our policy that halts human suffering and fosters growth.

We create Proactive change when we can…

And Reactive change when we can’t.

Here’s Bernie’s statement on Biden’s Bill…

Some might read this and say “Bernie is selling us out!!”

But, Bernie is ‘playing ball’… This allows him to create ‘Reactive Change.’

See, when they put Joe in the basement for all that time they created a vacuum around him… and since the consultants are trying to play puppet master, this left space for the Senate Budget Committee Chairman to slide into that empty space with an incoming President who really likes people.

Photo credit: Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times

Bernie is playing a hand that he has waited a long time to play.
I say we trust that he knows what he’s doing.
And then there is this…

One more part of the process out of the way.

So, in times like these, I have to point US back to Phase 1 & 2

It’s a cycle that you can repeat over and over …

The game is always about making contact with Representatives, even during COVID, even right after an attempted insurrection… we just need to tread lightly as we find new ways to protest and make our voices heard.

If you want more rebellious tips then you can look to Vermin Supreme for guidance → … while you might disagree with his wardrobe choices, Vermin is a brilliant protester and de-escalator.

If you look at this situation and are unhappy with it then there is a narrow window for you to act and still change it. Even if you decide you want to be part of it later then your help will be greatly appreciated.

But it comes down to being aware of which Senators are going to be in opposition and preparing protests for actions to gain public attention, specifically from their voters.

Just because you are out of state doesn’t mean you can’t help.

Digital organizing is all about simply telling folks what is possible.

I suggest switching endgame protesting from civil disobedience, which could easily be manipulated into a right-wing attack and put the protest process at risk… to picket line style events because a National Strike is finally viable.

So, yes… it really feels like Biden, and everyone else, lied about the $2000 but it’s not official yet and while it goes through the Senate it can be improved.

The way to look at it is like this, the Economy is basically collapsing unless it is artificially propped up. The working class has a lot of power to make Biden’s plan for recovery work or not. It won’t change too much in the lives of folks on the ground but a sustained National Strike would make Stocks dive.

And that is our short term, immediate leverage.

This will only work for the next two years.

Either Biden puts up relief bills that directly meet the needs or the working class must freeze everything… because Democrats control everything, they have no excuse.

When I said that Neoliberals would have nothing to hide behind… That also means the working class has incredible power… IF they unite.

Plus if Biden acquiescences constantly he can go down as a populist.

I’ve said for a long time that a National Strike wouldn't work due to the polarization of our country meaning a sustained replacement workforce was always in the waiting and ultimately it would only benefit the side that sat the strikeout due to ‘right to work’ and other anti-worker laws.

But because of the recent DC riots and about half of the Republican party getting called out as Nazis combined with the nature of COVID, the opportunity to start gathering folks at in-state Senate offices in picket line-like protests, where they can be socially distanced, visible, and outside, is more relevant than ever.

Because your long-term leverage is still using the various state offices to coordinate protests into a statewide organization if you don’t already have one then find and finance a candidate to run against them.

2022 is not that far away and will be here before you blink twice.

24 Senators, 20 Republicans & 14 Democrats, are up for reelection.

It is the single greatest chance to influence the process moving forward.

We need to organize these protests, make clear demands, and expect our legislators to turn them into law… and stop Neera from being confirmed.

Many folks are going to be defeatist and say the politicians, Bernie and the Squad are not really on our side, essentially trying to convince you that they are not in your ‘Direct Action Network.’

But we’ve never had this many active progressives in Congress EVER…
Not even close.

Bernie’s been a one-man show longer than many of US have been alive.

It’s only in the past few years that even sitting Congress members to be ‘brave’ enough to step out and fight for the Progressive causes that they run on.

And we also have an unusual opportunity…

We need to do something not done in a century and censure or expel seditious members of Congress… for being involved “in a conspiracy against the peace and union of the United States Government” just like was done in 1865…

America has plenty of law to lean on to handle these situations

We can also support both Jamal Bowman’s COUP Act to investigate the capitol police’s role in the attack, which isn’t disputed at this moment.

And Cori Bush’s Bill to investigate and potentially remove members of Congress who supported or incited the Riot in DC.

Jamal Bowan’s Investigation of Capital Police ->
Cori Bush’s Bill to potentially remove members->

It is simply undeniable that we are dealing with an actual Nazi problem.

Personal musings from Summer 2020.

Even if the riot in DC were only 10% actual Nazis, though I think it was much higher this is just for sake of argument, then the rest of the group makes enough excuses, creates enough space, however you want to put it to let that 10% of actual Nazis do whatever they want…

And that is just as bad.

That includes the groups bankrolling the politicians in their direct action network because they are part of their ‘community’.

And the truth is … we’ve barely scratched the surface.

There are years of recovery ahead of US.

The biggest reason we need to gain control of this moment is that we need to build enough power to take on the Defense Industry and its waste.

Every single thing from Single-Payer Healthcare to the Green New Deal goes directly through dealing with the waste of the Defense Industry.

There is no method to remove the Military and its spending completely, if you support MMT as a concept than you know this is actually a critical form of currency distribution before we get into concepts of National Defense.

But it should be about Defense, not blowing up folks in other countries just so we can buy more bombs from companies that now belong to China.

True story.

We have to grow our power to cut military spending and folk like AOC are primed in Congress to take them on… but going straight at them would be a mistake… these corps are very powerful and very well funded.

With our money.

If your goal is “Getting money out of politics” then it requires a lot more than just cutting spending to Politicians directly, but cutting off the extreme corporate wealth earned through Government contracts as well…

Which by any other name would be called a ‘handout.’

When we finally introduce a working Single-Payer System that doesn't just get folks desperately needed Health care, it also cuts off the excessive profits that can be turned right back around into buying Politicians.

Right now, because of the seditious behavior, those Corps and many others have cut off PAC contributions to the politicians who voted against accepting the Election results… this is a moment we should jump on…

If we don’t jump on this then Neoliberal Democrats will just try to get the money for themselves instead, but we want it out of politics entirely.

Support these companies in their decision where ever they are doing market testing, make them think it will earn them public support by withdrawing their support from dirty politicians and we’ll see their funding dwindle to zero.

Americans are already split on whether this is a good idea, if the tide goes in favor of them making contributions then it will tip that way

If we act, it could tip the way we want…

If your primary activism is ‘getting money out of politics’ then I can’t think of a clearer opportunity than this.

We have to seize this moment and do whatever we can to make it seem, hopefully honestly, that them not contributing via PACs is better for business.

We have to use their own business models against them.

I know it sounds like I’m promoting capitalism, but capitalism is a tool that can be used to manipulate these corporations into supporting the progressive agenda… Their market testing is everywhere, look for it and you will find it.

We get so used to screaming and cussing into them that you could just as easily use it to be kind and support their decisions instead of disagreeing.

You’ll find that has the power to move the bar much faster than negativity, so use it when the opportunity presents itself, this is one of those moments.

We start by pulling this money out and then give them nowhere to spend it.

Then they will need less, which means fewer bombs being lobbied to be used, and fewer folks dying just because some clowns in American want to get a smaller boat to put inside their larger one.

Yes, this sounds like ‘incremental change’ but all change is incremental when you do it every day… the increments are single days…

Accept nothing less.

So, let’s stay positive…

Because we still have a lot to look forward to.

Some relief is coming in the form of payment directly to your landlord or utilities… so, make sure if you have debt to either that you sign up.

Generally speaking, a Rent Freeze or Forgiveness is the correct answer and though this is technically an austerity version of what we need, we should get the relief to whoever we can regardless of the form it comes in.

And we still go this coming, the gift that keeps on giving…

We should be asking the hard questions…

Like, why has no one taken away Rudy’s Cell Phone yet?

Does he not have Grandchildren who can stop this?

Do they think it's funny too? So many questions…

I’m sure with him running Trump’s defense the impeachment trial will go off without any hijinks. /s

UPDATE: Rudy has since been removed from the legal team citing that he may be pulled as a witness which means Trump won’t pay him.

Like he’s going to suddenly start caring about “the rules of legal ethics” now.

You can follow Don on Twitter at

Phase 1 & 2 →
Phase 3 →
Phase 3.5 →
Phase 4 →

Don Ford
Don Ford

Written by Don Ford

Progressive Strategist, Filmmaker, & Grassroot Organizer. Awesome is an attitude. Lover of food, comics, and, and, and ... suspense.

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